May 30, 2018

Summer Internships: Don’t Be Afraid to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone


A key component in finding a job after graduation is doing a summer internship between semesters. When a student does an internship it allows that student to gain valuable experience that employers look for. An internship could also possibly lead to a full-time job after graduation with the company that the student completed the internship with. When looking for internships, students tend to be lackadaisical in their search. They only look for internships fitting certain criteria that makes them feel comfortable. To get the best internship possible for a student, it is important for that student to step outside the comfort zone and look for opportunities in whatever way possible.  Here are some things to consider when searching for an internship.

Location – If possible, do not limit your searches to the immediate area in which you live. Each student’s situation will be different, but if you do not have anything tying you down to where you live for the summer then branch out. Great internships can be found all over the country. Not only can they provide great experience, but they can give you the opportunity to spend the summer in a place you have never been before. These aspects can give you the opportunity to grow professionally and intellectually making yourself a more desirable candidate for employers.

Salary – It is important not to let salary be a deciding factor on whether to accept an internship offer or not. The most important thing to consider is if it is a good fit for you and the experience you can gain from it. Salary while doing the internship should be a consideration, just do not make it the determining factor. For example, if you are going to move to a new location for the summer then you probably would want some compensation to support you while you live there. However, if it will pay you enough to live there for the summer that should be the only thing to concern yourself with. You will not get rich while doing an internship. But if you can get paid enough to support yourself while gaining valuable work experience then that is the best scenario you could ask for.

Skill Set – When applying for internships most of the time employers do not expect a student to be an expert in the field. They are not expecting you to be able to walk in the door and already know everything there is to know about the job. So just because an internship posting lists some qualifications you may not have doesn’t mean you shouldn’t apply. If you meet some of the qualifications but not others, go ahead and apply for it. When you interview for the position just be upfront about the skills you have and make it clear that you are there to learn and gain the skills you may not have. If an employer knows you are willing to learn while on the job that can go a long way in their decision-making process.

If you take these things into consideration when searching for an internship you will find more opportunities and possibly better ones. Take your time when searching and do not jump on the first opportunity that presents itself. Find the best fit for you that will help you land that dream job after graduation. And above all, have fun while completing your internship.